Ancient Roman Military

The Ancient Roman Military was very close to the continent of Rome, much closer than in any modern civilization. In the beginning, it was also almost completely made up of normal citizens, people who hadn’t fought a day in their lives, who were put in the army as a nonsalaried militia force, But later the army had much more professional soldiers, armed to the teeth. Also, a Roman soldier, as part of standard training, had to know how to build things. Shelters, if you got lost, shields, if your shield grew weak, swords, if their blades grew dull. in their equipment, they carried a shovel with their gladius (sword) and their pila (spears). They also had to know how to build things fast. Very fast. they were nearly unstoppable, expanding the borders of Rome unimaginably, making Rome both feared and hated, in many cases. And though they suffered many losses, the Roman armies were too strong, lasting over 1300 years, fighting thousands of battles, causing thousands of deaths.Image

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